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 Discovering her Family

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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:15 pm

Primora walked slowly into the throne room. She was dressed in a simple gown that ended just below her knees, appropriate for a meeting with the Queen. Anybody could notice her discomfort, talking to the queen about a personal matter that in truth she may know nothing about. Primora didn't know enough of Obsidian to feel comfortable just yet.
As she came in sight to everyone else in the room, Primora spoke softly to one of the men, who obviously was a guard. "I'm here to see the Queen." Primora's voice was soft indeed, but it showed no sign of fear either.

Last edited by Vivid_Love on Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:40 pm

Chaos swept in, her dark dress wisping against the floor with a soft sigh as she walked. She smiled kindly upon the girl afront her, sitting down in her throne and placing her hands elegantly over her lap.
"How can I help you, young one?" She spoke with an obvious authority, yet kindness and love was thick in her gentle voice.
Chaos let her hair fall forward as she leaned towards the girl, her eyes suddenly boring into her like she knew her. Chaos frowned and pushed towards the girl's mind.
Do I know you, little one?
Chaos spoke softly so as not to alarm her - the last thing she wanted was to sit abed worrying all night about this phantom recollection of a girl. Because that's all it was ... Wasn't it?
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 3:18 pm

Primora watched as the Queen entered. Smiling back at her, she spoke. "Maybe you can help me. Maybe not. See, I traveled here out of the last wishes of the woman who I thought was my mother. She told me, after 18 years, that I wasn't her true child. She said I was born here and my real family was unknown. I was born January 1st."
Primora blinked as the Queen stared into her eyes. "I do not think you know me. My name is Primora Iyana Jinx. I'm not really sure of your name my Queen..." Pri smiled slightly at her embarrassment. She didn't even know the Queen's name. The only reason Pri knew her own name was because the blanket she had been wrapped in as a baby had her name sewn into it.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 4:46 pm

Alenos pushes himself away from the wall with a predatory walk, circling the girl as blood drip's slowly from his armour to leave a pool on the floor. Stepping forward Alenos cup's the girl's chin and raises it up, taking a deep sniff from the skin of her neck, and a soft lick of the skin in the crook of it. Looking at Chaos as he releases her chin and turn's away he nod's softly and moves to stand behing her. Something radiating from him, anticipation..fear..thirst.

Locked deep behind his hazel eye's for now as he turn's to becon a serving maid for a goblet of warm blood.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 11:18 am

Chaos glared at Alenos, her eyes wide with fear, shock and most of all recognition. Of course... It was just a game. A stupid game, a trick on her behalf.
Chaos raised her chin and looked down at Primora.
"My name is Chaos Morgana Jinx. Perhaps you could explain to me, my young one, why you claim to share my name?"
CHaos' voice was hard, warning clear in her voice. If this was a trick, the girl would pay. She'd be given to the mercy of Alenos - not so merciful. She waited for the girl's reply, her eyes cold, hard, and emotionless.
Flashes before Chaos' eyes showed a baby, being cast away in a raging storm. Her Mother, Xandria, crying, reaching out to the child with a forlorn look plastered on her face.
Her father, a single tear running down his pale cheek, watching his second daughter trundle away, stowed on the back of a cart.
CHaos hadn't understood. She'd waved goodbye to her sister, happily smiling. She called out, for she was young: "Have a good howiday!"
Suddenly it all clicked into place for Chaos. It was no trick. She was her sister...
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 11:24 am

Primora raised an eyebrow at Alenos; what was that all about? She then looked at Chaos and shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know how we share the same name. Who knows, maybe I was wrapped in someone else's blanket but I highly doubt that."
Primora looked at the Queen intently. She looked deep in thought. "I'm sorry to interrupt your thoughts my Queen but... do you know who I am?" Primora looked a tad bit hopeful. If the queen knew who her family was, she wouldn't have to spend the rest of her life alone and looking for them.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 11:37 am

Chaos nodded, her eyes wide.
"Oh darling. You don't even know, do you?" A single tear slipped down her pale cheeks as she spoke, her fangs receeding to take the dge off of Chaos' evil and distrusting look. She smiled through her tears, biting her lip somewhat shyly, wondering how to explain.
"Darling. I. I'm your sister. My mother's name is Xandria Jinx, my Father's is Lord Teja Jinx - Goddess rest their souls. You were sent away in the hope of living through a harsh storm. We thought you were dead... We all thought you were dead.
Chaos glanced back at Alenos, hoping he would give the two some privacy. If not, she'd take Primora elsewhere. She may be fond of Alenos, but she did not in any way trust him at all, and this made her wary of what she let him hear.
If the country found about this, it would be in turmoil, especially with the rain fast approaching.
And Chaos couldn't afford to look weak.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 12:19 pm

Primora blinked. "I'm your what...? She stared at the queen her eyes filling with tears. Chaos had said 'Goddess rest their souls.' So her birth parents were dead, her adoptive parents were dead... too much death for her to handle. Usually Primora could stay strong through times like this; but this wasn't usually. Everything was rushing into her mind like a raging storm.
She closed her eyes trying to compose herself. She managed to smile weakly at the Queen. "Well at least I have someone. Does this make me a princess?" Primora was trying to lighten the mood.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyWed Nov 25, 2009 2:41 pm

Alenos await's the girl's story to unfold as he await's Chaos reaction. "Prove it girl.." He growl's from his place by the wall, the maid reappearing with an empty goblet and a seductive smile on her face, as she hand's it to him and openly and brazenly open's his wrist deeply to fill thr goblet for him as he cast's a vaguely amused and flirtatious smile in her direction.

Alenos awaited Chaos's signal..if she was lying he would make her scream untill she begged him for death, or became a mewling wreck and a shell of a human being she had been. The look Alenos cast in the girl's direction read all this in a heartbeat, had his heart still beat. taking a deep draught from the freshly open wrist of the lady in waiting, he hold's his goblet to it to await for it to be refilled again.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyThu Nov 26, 2009 11:55 am

Chaos glanced back at Alenos, with the smallest shake of the head. This girl was genuine. She was not here to harm a single soul - had there been any souls in Obsidian that perhaps could have been harmed.
She sighed, wiping the tears from her pale cheeks.
Her sister... Primora... The baby she'd never forgotten but always thought dead.
Chaos whispered, her voice barely audible over the silence in the room.
"My darling, welcome home."
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyThu Nov 26, 2009 4:30 pm

Primora only glanced at Alenos, and when she did she saw the look that was directed at her. She tried not to laugh; was that supposed to be threatening? Pri had been through a lot in her life and looks, like the one Alenos was giving her, only made her laugh now.
She then smiled at Chaos. Her sister... Pri didn't even know her yet but she already felt attached. "So this is home.." she said quietly, still smiling.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 10:37 am

Chaos smiled and nodded, tears forming in her large eyes. She rose from the throne and reached her hand out towards Pri - her sister.
"Come. Follow me. You're staying here from now on. I'm not losing you again." Chaos' eyes became determined and hard as she spoke her last promise.
And she meant ti, too. Pri had left, and Chaos had lived her life not knowing her baby sister, thinking she was dead, or worse.
Now that Prim was back Chaos wasn't going to lose her again.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 6:55 pm

Alenos growled at the soft laugh that slipped through Primora's lip's, and his previous look turned to one of dark and strikingly powerful anger. His tone was like a executioner's blade cutting through the air as he spoke over Chaos, the power behind his word's and now intense stare unmistakable. "Do you even know who i am girl..gone as you claim to have been..?" Alenos ask's as the blood from the now crushed goblet seep's over his entirely closed fist and onto the floor beneath it. The lady in waiting retreat's with her wrist's and neck exposed in the ultimate gesture of submission as his anger strides to the forth.

"I was Alenos in life..and the Red Duke of Obsidian in death..If you choose to laugh at me..you'd do wise to remeber, I've slain countless thousand's and bathed in their blood mere moment's before dawn..a strip of a girl like yourself is nothing to me!..Mark these word's..Play Chaos false and you and I shall meet again, and you shall sing for me..and my sword shall sing a duet with you..and it's song shall reach the heaven's as the light slip's from your eye's..." Alenos true anger had risen to the surface, and the girl had tried his patience. Never had someone of little consequence to him..Laughed..at him.

His anger was an awesome sight to behold as he let the Goblet slip from his grasp, and rebound from the floor with a metallic clink, breaking the spell of silence. "I took life easily in life girl..In death..it becomes a pleasure.." He whisper's softly, seemingly for Primora alone now, as he strides past her with the presence of death himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 7:32 pm

Primora merely shrugged at Alenos's words. After everything she had been through, death would be nothing less of a pleasure. Her eyes held no fear from his statement.
She looked at Chaos then, smiling she took her hand. She was glad that Chaos didn't just throw her out. She felt a strong connection to Chaos already even though they had barely met. She never wanted to be parted from her again.
"Thank you; for everything, Chaos." She didn't know what else to say. The best she could do was say thanks, but oddly enough it seemed the perfect choice of words.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 12:44 am

Alenos strode from the hall, drawing his sword as he neared the door and standing long enough to turn and look back at both Chaos and Primora. The Sword's wailing song filling the room and taking a meaning for each of them, the death cries of a loved one a lover's final goodbye..the song meaning different for each of them.

"One day..Princess...My blade will truely sing it's song for you.." Alenos spoke softly, before turning and walking from the hall.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 6:48 am

Chaos watched as her guard left the room, his sword singing it's beautiful song. CHaos sighed and shook her head, before turning back to Pri.
She smiled once more, stepping forward to hug her sister tightly.
"Oh, Pri. I've missed you! Mother would have been proud of you - you're so beautiful!" Chaos laughed happily, the sounds reverberating around the walls. Her laugh was rare, in this form. Usually it was a deep, dark and sadistic laugh that held warnings of power death and malevolance. Yet this laugh held the true happiness in Chao's heart, for seeing her sister again. And this time it was real.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 10:47 am

Primora smiled and hugged her sister back. "You are just as beautiful Chaos," she said with a smile.
"Your guard doesn't like me much does he." Primora's words were more of a statement than a question. She shrugged, "It's okay if he doesn't, I don't really mind. But what did he mean when he said his blade will sing for me?" That had confused Pri a great deal.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 11:00 am

Chaos sighed and glanced toward the door Alenos had just disappeared out of. She shook her head, as bewildered as Pri was at his erratic behaviour.
"To be honest I don't know what he meant. The man confuses everyone, Pri, so just ignore him. That's what I do." Chaos smiled cheekily and kissed Pri's cheek.
"Come on. I'll show you to your room."
Chaos took Pri's hand and led her from the throne room, into an ornately decorated hall with lavish paintings and tapestries hanging from the walls and ceiling. She glanced to Pri to see her reaction to the riches. Would she think Chaos was shabby? Cheap? Tacky? Showing off?
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySun Nov 29, 2009 12:17 pm

As Chaos led Pri out into the hall, Pri's eyes widened. All of the paintings and tapestries were beautiful. "Wow... this place is truly amazing, Chaos."
Primora smiled at Chaos as she held her hand. Pri had a sister... she wasn't alone. Just like Laura had wished... she wasn't alone. Pri let a small sigh escape her lips. She missed Laura and Jason dearly, and now she would never get to know her real parents. But she had Chaos, and that seemed like enough.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySun Nov 29, 2009 12:42 pm

Chaos smiled and sighed too. Her fights with Alenos were growing more and more frequent, and she was beginning to grow weary of his mind games.
She truned sharply and began up some stairs, nodding at the guards that passed the pair on the staircase.
"Everyone here is polite to the Royal Family. You needn't worry about not being weclome."
Chaos smiled at Pri and gently touched her cheek before returning on her course towards the top bed chambers.
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PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptySun Nov 29, 2009 1:00 pm

She followed Chaos up the stairs and nodded to the guards they passed. "Well, that's nice. It's good to feel welcome in a new place."
Pri wondered which bedroom she would be staying in. She had just showed up, so surely there was no room already prepared for her. She hoped that staying here wouldn't be too much of a burden on the queen.
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Discovering her Family Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovering her Family   Discovering her Family EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:29 pm

Chaos smiled, her lips soft and happy.
"I'm so going to enjoying having you back! How about tomorrow we go shopping? You're going to need a court dress."
Chaos took in Pri's dress with a raised eyebrow sighed. Yes, definately new clothes. Pri was a princess now. She needed to look good.
"You're very pretty, Pri. You just got to sort your wardrobe out - But I can help with that." Chaos laughed and gave her sister's hand a small but noticable squeeze.
"I've missed you, Pri."
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