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 On Her Way Into Oblivion

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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyFri Jan 01, 2010 2:02 pm

Mel sighed as she stood at the bow of the ship, her hands resting on the sides, her hair and dress billowing out behind her. Her dress was blood red, with gold inlaying, and made of pure silk. It clung to her every curve, yet still floated and billowed out behind her long and slender legs.
Her eyes locked onto the horizon, willing land to appear soon. The storm had hit twice, coming round in a full circle, and Mel didn't think she or the twins would withstand another bout of rain, hail, winds, and waves.
A single tear fell down her beautiful cheek, as Mel remembered the life she'd had to leave. She hated the feeling of being lost, of not belonging anywhere. And even with Vlad and the twins around she still felt completely alone.
Completely and utterly... Alone...
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyFri Jan 01, 2010 2:29 pm

Vladen stood atop the ship's mast with Rhiane in his arm's and looked out over the dock of the port of Obsidian an expression of apprehension and distrust in his eyes. Watching the men and women move about on the portside, Rhiane giggled in his arm's and clung to his neck with another childlike giggle, the ship's motion lulling her calmingly in his arm's. Looking down upon Mel, Vladen's smile beamed down upon her and his matching bright red silk tunic shines in the sunlight.

He had packed them up deep in the night and forced them to leave Sheinara, to protect her..but would she forgive him? He doubt she ever would and that killed him inside, casuing Rhiane to grizzle gently. Vladen slowly eased away from his bond with Mel, to give her some space, ghosting a soft kiss to the cheek down it before he retreated.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyFri Jan 01, 2010 2:36 pm

Mel sighed as Vlad pulled away from the bond and slowly turned to face him. She caught his eye for just a moment before looking to the floor of the ship and sobbing. It hurt immensely to leave Sheinara, but she loved Vladen with all her might. She understood his reasons and she believed that this had happened for a reason.
Her heart was breaking though, because Mel knew Vladen needed her. But every time she looked at him and the twins she thought of home, and of her father, and Harkness, and her mother.
Everything was a mess, and it was killing Mel in the most painful way possible.
Slowly, she sank to her knees and cried into her hands, ignoring the rising wind and drizzle as the storm descended on the ship once more.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptySat Jan 02, 2010 5:26 pm

Alice came up behind Mel, wrapping her arms around her friend. "Mel... I know this is hard for you, but he is doing it for you and the twins." Alice knew that Melanie understood, but reassuring her might help ease the sorrow she was feeling. She sat there, hugging her friend.
Alice gazed up at Vladen, giving him a small smile. She had agreed to come to Obsidian with them, seeing how they were the reason she had gone to Sheinara at all. She placed a caring kiss on Mel's cheek, laying her head on her shoulder.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 12:25 pm

Vladen couldn't bare it anylonger, Rhiane starteg to grizzle into his neck as his emotion's came to a boiling point. Climbing deftly down the masthead of the ship and passing Rhiane to her nurse as he passed, He strode down the ship and past Melanie and Alice to the rail, ripping off the red Silken tunic and tugging his boot's clear, he throw's them down onto the deck and without another word dives straight over the side of the ship and begins to swim powerfully for the dock.

He needed to seperate himself from Melanie for a while, at least to give her the space she needed to decide whether it was him she wanted or the life they had left behind in Sheinara. It had not been safe and deep down she had known it, but still refused to believe that the place they had called home was.."Dangerous" Vladen surfaced for air about half way from the ship and floated in the water for a few moment's.

He looked back at the ship before begining to swim strongly for the dock step's and his preparation's there for Mel and the children's arrival.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 12:42 pm

Mel smiled and hugged Alice back, crying silently into her shoulder. She lifted her head and watched Vladen jump off the deck, running over and picking his clothes up off the floor. She lifted them to her face and smelled them, breathing in Vlad's musky smell deeply.
Before she lost their connection any more she pushed back into his mind and kissed him through their thoughts.
"I love you..." She whispered. "Just please come back."
Rhianne ran up to Mel and hugged her tightly, still grizzling, and Mel held her daughter close to her, whispering comforting words in her ear.
"Come on darling. Daddy will be back again soon, I'm sure."
She smiled at Mel and sighed, getting up and walking back to the cabins to begin packing the last minute things she'd left for now. She wished Vlad would understand. She loved him more than anything, but she'd spent her whole life running, and it had been difficult to begin that running again. She knew Vlad was finding this hard too, but with Black returning to Sheinara she hadn't wanted to leave, for fear of leaving everyone else in danger.
She was just glad Alice had tagged along. She'd been Mel's rock through everything and Mel was truly grateful. One day she'd repay her best friend for everything she'd ever done.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 12:52 pm

Vladen heard Mel's word's as he crested the step's of the dock and visibly shuddered, As Dock guard's ran toward's him to intercept him he drew himself up to his full height and started to bark out order's, pointing to each guard in turn. "You! Yes..You! Dont look at me dumbstruck Boy..A messenger to your Queen now! Tell her Lord Brocktree of Sheinara is here to speak with her, and that he is escorting a vistor of importance." Sending the boy scurrying with but a few well placed word's Vladen round's on the next guard with a growl, levelling one huge hand at him "You! Take the rest of your company and before that ship get's here" Vladen pauses to point at it over his shoulder " I want the rest of your company arrayed on the dock, a blockade placed on the Jetty so that it's passanger's may land in safety and a cluster of hand's to help with the baggage"

Vladen's temper was growing with each barked order and Melanie's word's in his head were ringing around like a hammer onto an Anvil, the night before she had cursed him for a fleeing fool and sent him from her sight and now she begged him to return, even wished to touch him hen the evening before she could do no more than bring herself to look at him. Turning on the final and last guard, an aging sergeant with a badge of rank as old as he mounted on his chest, Vladen sagged and smiled at the man. "Please...Could you find me some boot's Sergeant, and something hard to drink..Whisky or something stronger..I have a headache.."

Vladen ignored the Sergeant's odd look as he strode off, to follow his order's, glancing around he found himself a packing crate to sit on with his head in his hand's.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 1:01 pm

Mel felt Vladen's anger and sat on her bed, bursting into tears not for the first time that day. Why was everything so difficult? All Mel wanted was to be happy and smile. She'd wanted to at least get married in Sheinara, where all her friends were, but Vlad had told her they were leaving then.
SHe cried for many things. She cried for fear that Vlad no longer loved her, and she cried for her lost friends, whom she'd probably never see again. And most of all, Mel cried for her own stupidity. She had been angry when Vlad had told her the family were leaving, but she had thought all night. Hell, they hadn't even slept in the same bed, and Mel had shivvered through the hours of darkness without a wink of sleep.
"Oh Vladen, why can't you feel my love? I need you, not Sheinara. Please come back to me. I can't dock here alone..." She whispered, hoping no one else could hear her frantic pleading.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyMon Jan 04, 2010 1:10 pm

Vladen new Mel had felt his anger as the Sergeant passed him the boot's and the bottle of whiskey, slipping on the boot's as he took up the bottle, Vladen removed the top and took a deep mouthful of the liquid, Swallowing it as it burnt it's way down his throat, he shut Mel out of his emotion's with a lasting kiss to her mind and a caress of her cheek. Sat there on the dock Vladen drank again from the bottle before passing it back to the sergeant. "Here..Keep it..I wont need anymore.." Walking slowly from the dock to the waiting guard's, Vladen stepped onto the Jetty and walked to it's end, stood waiting for Melanie and his children with a stern expression.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:03 am

Mel sighed and stayed in her room until the ship had docked the harbour before venturing out into the dull and stormy twilight. She glanced around, called the twins and Alice to her side and approached Vladen with an expressionless face. It would not do to talk about this in front of the children, and Mel would rather do it where Alice couldn't hear, either.
Mel looked at Vladen for a long moment before bending down to pick Zeke up and carry him in her arms. She did not care that her dress had ridden up, and neither did she care that men were eyeing her figure longingly as they passed.
She did, however, care that Vladen's eye's flicked to each of the eyeing men in turn as they passed. So he did still love her then...
Mel sighed once more, shook her head slightly and started down the dock, with no idea where she was heading or why she was heading that way. She figured that if she was going the wrong way Vladen would stop her.
Unless he stormed off again and refused to speak to her that was...

Last edited by Darkling~Chaos on Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:15 am

Vladen's eyes raked over the guard's as they eye'd Melanie and her ridden up dress, steeping up behind her as she walked with Zeke he bent down and kissed her collarbone intimatley letting each of the guard's know he loved her, and more firmly letting her know that he sitll loved her and held her in his desire.
Stepping up next to her, he swung around for a moment to pick up Rhiane from her nurse and carry her in his arm's, walking side by side with Melanie, as he glanced around the crowd.

did she even have a clue where she was going? Probably not..Vladen laughed softly and reached for her hand, wondering whether she would let him take it.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:28 am

Mel eyed Vladen's outstretched hand but did not take it immediately. She fought the desire to let him know how it feels to be shut out cold, but found she did not have the heart to do such a thing.
She silently slipped her hand into Vladen's, shifting Zeke's weight to her free arm. A sailor passed and wolf whistled to Mel, pinching her butt and turning to wink at her. She winked back with a giggle and, still chuckling quietly to herself, pointed their ship out to Zeke. It was leaving again, travelling back to Sheinara to pick up another bunch of travellers wanting to see the world and beyond.
Mel sighed and glanced sideways at Vladen, leaning over and kissing him on the the cheek and beckoning to Alice. She had no idea where she was going, and had no idea whether Vladen knew where they were going, but Mel was content here. At least nobody was tiptoeing around her and at least she was no longer looking over her shoulder constantly waiting for Black or his god-forsaken brother, Seth, to appear.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:34 am

Vladen watched the Sailor and growled deep in his throat, sending the man scuttling away down the dock with a look of abject fear in his eye's. Sighing heavily into the sunshine as he opened his mind to Mel fully once more, opening facet's of it that she had never before seen and had acces too. "Well Melanie..Don't be afraid.." Vladen whispered as the deepest reaches of his mind washed over her once more. Almost the same as the first time they had bonded together all those year's ago in School.

Smiling gently to himself he watches a woman walking down the dock toward's him with the broadest smile, smiling warmly back at her Vladen sidestep's a puddle and bow's his head to her with a now flirtatious smile, before frowning at himself and turning his eyes back to Melanie.

"So..How does it Feel?" He ask's her softly and gently while fussing a giggling Rhiane.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:53 am

Mel quickly pushed Vladen's thoughts and emotions aside, shooting him a warning look from the side and glancing to Alice and then the children. This was better done when they were alone and could talk, not like this.
Mel sighed and came to a halt, gazing back out over the horizon of the sea. She longed suddenly to be back in Sheinara and have all her home and what used to be safety surrounding her and the twins. But now it had all gone tits up and everything had twisted into a stupid nightmare.
And who would they get married before? Mel had hoped perhaps Scar or Harkness or Horril would lead her down the aisle but now that was just a dream, a fatal hope. A silent tear slid down Mel's face as she realized what a mess her and Vladen were in. She just wanted to go home... Why couldn't they all go home?
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 10:59 am

"This is our home now Melanie..Please..One day you will forgive me.." Vladen spoke softly and carried on walking into the burdgeoning darkness with his daughter in his arm's, heading in the direction of the inn he had arranged. Rhiane giggling softly in his arm's and a gentle smile on her little face, knowing nothing of the peril's which he had faced to bring them all here, Vladen hid the suprises in a cloak part of his now shrowded mind, it having been forced deep from Mel's thought's.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyTue Jan 05, 2010 12:03 pm

Mel sighed and put Zeke down, telling him to catch up with his Father. She stood watching the waves crash on the beach for a long moment before finally turning and following Vladen slowly. She knew he had meant well, bringing her here, but this would never be where she belonged. Mel was all for fighting Black and getting rid of him and Seth once and for all, not running away from him like cowards..
Mel sighed again and looked at the twins. Here she was, asking to fight demons, when her children would be put in danger beyond belief. Mel shook her head and ran to catch up with her fiance, slipping her hand in his and squeezing it lightly.
I love you. We should talk. Tonight, when the twins are asleep and nobody's listening, we shall talk. But for now my love, I love you. With all my heart and soul and everything that is in me, I love you. Never forget that as long as we both shall live. Ever.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyWed Jan 06, 2010 5:07 pm

Alice had separated herself from Mel and Vladen. Before departing, she had whispered in Mel's ear, "I'm going to hunt... I shall catch up with you later." With that, she had taken off in the woods.
She was currently hunting down animals in this new place. She needed a good hunt, and a while to take all of this in. Alice caught the scent of a large animal and sprinted in its direction.
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyThu Jan 21, 2010 2:33 pm

Vladen stopped abruptly and stood stock still in the middle of the street, suddenly falling to his knee's and curling up in a ball as his giant frame fall's sideway's onto the cobbles. Vladen start's to convulse and slightly fit as he lay's their deep in his mind.

Vladen is noisely sick and the content's of his stomach wash onto the pavement in a sea of green foam..Poison..
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On Her Way Into Oblivion Empty
PostSubject: Re: On Her Way Into Oblivion   On Her Way Into Oblivion EmptyFri Jan 22, 2010 10:00 am

Mel turned to cover the twins' eyes as their Father vomitted everywhere and writhed in pain before them. After an instant she ran to her fiance and held his head to her chest, using the hem of her dress to wipe his mouth.
"What's wrong, darling?!" SHe exclaimed, concern clear in her eyes. They glittered with uncried tears as she watched Vladen before her, his skin a sudden deathly pale. That was when she realized.
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