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 Thinking About Alice

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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 4:52 am

Danny smiled as her gazed out over the horizon, watching the clouds on the coast build up and darken. A storm was coming - Danny loved storms.
He smiled and thought about Alice - the woman with the beautiful eyes that he'd fallen in love with. There was nobody in the entire universe that would change his feelings about her - ever. Alice was everything to Danny; he knew without her he'd be lost.
He was on his way to see the Queen, and Ste was washing in the lake about a minute's walk from whwere Danny was standing; Alice was still fast asleep. He'd snuck out of their sleeping bag, not wanting to wake her. She was beautiful while she slept. Mind you, she was beautiful all the time.
Danny sighed, like a lovesick puppy, and grinned to himself - he was lucky - luckier than most men he knew.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 10:09 am

Alice yawned silently,holding her pale hand over her mouth as she did.After rubbing her jewel-worthy eyes she could see Danny.A smile immediately spread across her lips.Seeing him or just sensing him was enough to make her smile.She made no sound as her shadows plummed across her dress,morphing her clothes with each step she took until she was in a black shirt and slim black trousers.A handy skill to have if you can't carry too much with you.Once close enough,Alice sneaked into her lover's thoughts,her tummy gave a flutter to hear him thinking about only her.Alice closed the distance between them with a elegant jump,her arms wrapping around Danny's waist as she leaned her head on his back.
''Thinking of me?'' she cooed with her musical voice ''How did you sleep?'' she added.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 11:04 am

Danny smiled as Alice came up behind him and turned to take her in his arms. She made him smile whenever he saw her face. He kissed her tenderly before replying.
"Of course I was thinking about you. And I slept okay thanks."
He grinned and kissed Alice's nose before stepping back and pointing to the horizon he's just been staring at.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 11:15 am

Every little skin contact wasblissful enough to make her sigh happily.She followed his finger and looked into the horizon.Breathtakingly beautiful was what Alice thought.It wasn't too bright that her eyes hurt,it was just perfect.The monochromic colours blended in so well like a painting.Maybe this is why artists love scenes like this.
''...Lovely...'' she breathed ''Reminds me of you'' she laughed lightly and hugged him.''I wonder why I never really paid attention to the scenery'' Alice said softly though she knew the reason why.Danny was not there to change her personality towards such simple pleasures then...
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 11:31 am

Danny smiled and pulled Alice close to him.
"God, I love you." He murmured before taking her hand in his and kissing it gently.
"It's beautiful, and amazing, and adorable, just like you, Alice. You're all I want."
With that Danny kissed his new girlfriend and made a silent decision. When him and her and Ste were settled in their house; once they'd spoken to the Queen - he was going to ask her to marry him.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 11:56 am

''And you're more than I could ever want...'' Alice sent the thought into Danny's mind since her lips were occupied.She loved him so much that her throbbed just by thinking about him.Her hand laced through his dark hair,occassionaly caressing his jawline.Now,her missing memories were one of her lesser worries.She still felt that empty feeling but,her memories were slowly coming back,the progress supprised her.It felt even better tobe able to talk to Danny and Stephen about the flashes of colouful images and sensations she is recovering.Alice wanted this to last and she prays that nothing would disrupt this too soon.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 11:22 am

Danny stopped kissing Alice and stepped back to smile at her. He ran his hand down her cheek with a soft and sexy smile. Ste will be wondering where we are.
Danny took Alice's hand and slowly led her back to the camp just at the top of the cliffs. Soon it would be time to leave and go look for the Queen. Although he was nervous, he couldn't wait to finally have a place to stay and a place to be happy with Alice. All this camping was getting a bit too much for Danny; the hungar was too apparent when out in the elements when the smell of blood surrounded you 24/7.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 11:31 am

Alice held his hand,lacing her fingers with his as they walked together.She hummed a light tune.Just something she made up on the top of her head.She was just as nervous as Danny and Stephen about seeing the Queen...How was she meant to act?What would she say? With an effort,Alice shoved her worries to the back of her mind as a light breeze lifted her hair gently.

Then she froze,stopping dead in her tracks,the blue of her eyes shifted to that deep crimson for a moment.The hair on the back of her neck stood up.Someone was watching her.Whoever it was could evade her mind's eye,either a powerful vampire or a demon.Maybe both.She's felt eyes on her ever since waking up in the graveyard after her memory was wipped clean.After meeting Danny,it stopped for a while.Until now.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyFri Feb 19, 2010 3:14 am

Danny's grip on Alice's hand tightened as she stopped suddenly, and worry filled his dark eyes.
"What's happened? Baby, are you okay?" His voice was filled with concern and worry; he'd never seen Alice look this freaked out before. With a quick glance around them, he pulled he into a tight hug and kissed her hair.
"What is it? You can tell me, baby. What's wrong?"
Danny glanced about him and Alice again. Alice was strong, and whatever had made her act this way must be serious.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyFri Feb 19, 2010 4:25 am

Even in Danny's arms she was still glancing around.She swallowed and pressed herself to Danny for comfort.
''I...There's someone watching me again...'' Alice's usualy calm voice shook slightly ''Ever since I woke up,I've felt those eyes on me...It stopped after I met you but..but now...'' she shuddered again,feeling that unfamiliar gaze on her.No matter how far she sent her mind's eye out,she still can't find the owner of that gaze.Alice turned again,gazing into a patch of trees to her left...A gut feeling,you could call it.Now her gaze fell apon something...She could feel it,the russling of that very patch of trees gave that away.
''Leave'' her voice vibrated,a trait of her demonic side ''Whatever you are,leave!'' she demanded again.As if it had listened to her,the presence faded slowly...
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptySat Feb 20, 2010 1:19 am

Danny frowned, concerned and took Alice's hand again. He squeezed it before walking confidently over to the patch of trees and examining it carefully, his vampire enhanced sight and smell and hearing, picking up every single detail. Alice was right. There had been someone here. The bare tracks showed the presence had crouched, watching him and Alice.
With a slight growl he turned back to Alice and approached her once more.
"Did you sense what it was? Perhaps vampire? Or demon?" Danny's eyes were filled with worry, his brow creased in concern for his girlfriend. He hated the thought of some sicko stalking her. He made a silent vow never to leave her on her own until he was sure it was safe. He would find this stalker.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptySat Feb 20, 2010 7:11 am

Alice listened with caution when Danny confirmed her hunches.When he came back from that patch of ground,Alice took his hand and answered him.
''I don't..think it was a vampire...'' she swallowed ''The only thing I can think up is a...pure demon''.If it were the vampire that were after Alice then she'd sence them straight away.They would give out thought patterns nit to mention scents.But,the thing that was watching just now could hide themself so well...It made her shudder to think that something so powerful might know about her.

''You will find out soon''

The voice made Alice hiss and grip Danny's hand slightly harder.Some wave of nostalgia hit her.She knew that deep,bland voice...
''Who..was ...that...?'' her small voice trembled.She was sure Danny heard the voice,too.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyMon Feb 22, 2010 9:49 am

Danny held Alice's hand tight and looked around them both. Without thinking, he began to pull her along with him as he walked quickly out of the area and into a larger clearing where they would be able to see any oncoming attackers. Fear was clear in Danny's eyes, but it was not fear for himself. It was fear for his girlfriend, his heart. He couldn't bear to lose her, not now, when he'd just found her.
He mentally searched for Ste, but found him unconcsious, at the base of their camp.
"Shit. Ste's been hurt." He looked at Alice with pure terror in his wide eyes and kissed her roughly before pulling her onto his back and running at full sprint back to the camp.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyMon Feb 22, 2010 10:12 am

Yet again she had dragged her closed people into her problems.Alice burried her face into the back of Danny's neck as she sent out her mind,shielding Stephen the best she could from their distance.
''I'm sorry...'' she whispered,her eyes blazing a deep crimson.Her anger flared as she caught the familiar scents.The Kanon clan.As suspicious as the first,stronger and more mysterious presence was,Alice did not suspect that being.''Danny,you go to Stephen.I have something to take care of'' Alice said in a controlled voice and shaped her shadow into her wings ''I'll come back to you,promise'' she added and forced herself off Danny's back.Whenever she had to part ways with Danny,even for a brief moment,it sent a throb through her heart.Alice flew up,back to the clearing where they had passed earlier.Her enemies were waiting there.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyMon Feb 22, 2010 10:24 am

Danny watched as Alice flew off, schooled his breathing, swallowed his tears, and began running again, his vision clouding with anger and fear. His brother and his girlfriend were being taken from him. This was stupid. The Goddess really had it in for him, didn't she?
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyMon Feb 22, 2010 11:02 am

''Persistant aren't you?'' Alice said sourly,her eyes fully red and her shadow bubbled out from around her.This side of her,Alice did not want Danny and Stephen to see.The vampires before her hissed,sensing her change in 'being'.''Everytime...why must you catch me when I'm in the foulest of moods...?'' her voice vibrated unaturaly as a plume of shadow shot up like a gyser.Alice gripped the shadow and it twisted and stretched,morphed to form a huge black scythe that towered over Alice.The annoying vampires recoiled slightly before charging,the whole group of ten or more.

The scythe and its weilder would not show mercy and did not show mercy as the foes were cut down like weeds.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyTue Feb 23, 2010 4:35 am

Danny ran to his brother's unconsious side and checked his pulse; he was still alive, just. With an expaserated groan, Danny bent over and whispered the words of life that he'd been taught on becoming a vampire in Ste's ear. They had always brought Ste back from unconsiousness and he needed to try every possible idea to get Ste back again. He needed Ste, because without him he could never save Alice.
"Come on, Bro! Wake up!" He exclaimed, his eyes clouded with concern, fear and pain.


Ste spluttered and sat up, rubbing his temples and lokoing rather bewidlered at Danny. He groaned, suddenly remembering what had happened. The Goddess had visited him. She'd told him to leave and he'd refused so she had knocked him unconsious in her anger. Shaking his head Ste chuckled, but stopped when he saw the look on Danny's face. He was terrified about something. And where was Alice?
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyTue Feb 23, 2010 10:28 am

''...I'm right here'' Alice said in a tiny,raspy voice.The black scythe still hung in her hand as she sighed,seeing that Stephen was ok.She didn't want to look at them though...Her dress,made from her shadows,were trying to repair itself,the scythe dripped with blood and some even dribbled off the side of her face.The few monthts after she had woken up with an empty memory,she looked like that almost everyday.How many had she killed...?Alice was scared to think.Before she could help it,tears flooded from her eyes,some mixing with the blood on her face.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyWed Feb 24, 2010 1:53 am

Danny looked torn between staying with his brother and going to Alice. Reluctantly, he let his brother go and ran to Alice, picking her up, and placing her next to Ste. He kissed her forehead tenderly.
"Oh Baby... What happened?" Danny's eyes were filled with worry for Alice, as he began to gently clean her wounds and lick them to heal them. He then turned to Ste, who was still rubbing his head.


Ste was confused. The Goddess had either tried to hurt him, or tried to save him. Either way, it was odd and completely out of the blue. Was there a war going on? Did the two brothers and Alice have enemies they didn't know about? He didn't know. He had no idea. All Ste knew was that his head was pounding and he wanted a drink.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyWed Feb 24, 2010 11:24 am

''I just don't understand...Why do they hate me...? I don't remember them at all'' Alice sobbed as Danny tended to her wounds,that were closing already ''What could I have done to make them hate me...?'' her voice choked to a whisper and she dropped her scythe.It hit the ground soundlessly and faded into her shadow.When her wounds were clean,she hugged her knees together and squeezed her eyes shut.She had to find those memories whether she likes it or not.
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 25, 2010 7:29 am

Danny held Alice cloe to his chest for a moment, before turning back to his brother.
"You okay, bro?" He asked, concern and worry in his voice and in his eyes. This day was meant to be a nice day. He'd been with Alice this morning and it had been perfect. What had happened? Where did it all go so damned wrong?


Ste spluttered and coughed, nodding to his brother to ensure he was okay. Yeah, he was fine. He just needed some water. He fumbled around for his empty bottle and smiled.
"I'm going to the stream to get water. Anybody else want some?
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Thinking About Alice Empty
PostSubject: Thinking About Alice   Thinking About Alice EmptyThu Feb 25, 2010 10:18 am

Alice took a breath and sent herself through all of her memories.Most were in the wrong order,images shoved all over the place in her spacious mind.She pictured herself floating through the shards of memories,rearranging them into a rough timeline.Those from after she regained conciousness were already in the right places so she did not need to worry about them.Judging by how old she looked in the other pieces,Alice placed them until she could see her own growth during those seven years.The home she had lived in were the same...It seems that her guardians before her amnesia kept her indoors for a lot of the times.What she wanted to know most was the momment right before she fainted and woke in the cemetary.But,whenever she got near to that blank space,her mind was shoved back harshly and jolted her out of her search.She lifted her head from her lap,now more afraid to find out about her past.
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