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 The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.

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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 8:27 am

Alenos shook his head at himself slowly and pulled on a pair of long backed leather black gloves. Alenos was dressed from head to foot in dark blues and black’s, to allow him to blend into the night as he prepares to do what he must to ensure Chaos safety. A large bone box, almost like a writing desk stand’s before him on a carved oaken table, reaching out with his gloved hand’s Alenos draw’s the lid from the box to reveal a mask made of the purest of Obsidian’s silver mined in the north and sanctified by priest’s of the goddess herself.

Alenos set’s the mask in place and turn’s to leave the room, the mask styled to cover his face, letting only his eye’s show, a delicate silver grill cover’s his mouth, ghosting into his anteroom. Guy and Matthias await him, as he pluck’s a robe from a chair and slip’s it on. It’s sleeves long and flowing and it’s back trailing out behind him, it gives Alenos the appearance of shadow as he ghost’s past the other’s and into a further chamber. Waiting in the other room as a dozen figures each dressed in a similar way to Alenos.

“It is time..Come..” Alenos intones from within his mask as the other’s fall in behind him, slipping from the quarter’s deep within the castle, the crowd ghost’s its way unseen to deep within the castle. Guard’s falling soundlessly as they pass disabled and unconscious they slump at their posts like silent and sleeping sentinels.
Ghosting into the Queen’s quarter’s without resistance, the crowd billow’s around Alenos in a rush, taking the sleeping Ladies in waiting swiftly and quietly as Alenos, Guy and Matthias to enter the queen’s chamber’s unheard and unmolested. The other’s joining them slowly to form a circle around the bed in which she slept.

“Awaken Chaos Morgana Jinx...Awaken and Meet those who would become your family..” Alenos intones, his voice changing to be unrecognisable from within the depth of his mask, encircling Chaos’s bed are the lord’s of the 12 houses of Obsidian, disguised, masked and hidden. Each Lord or Lady hidden within the volumious robes, and mask of their order bares a small blade at their side, each hilt set with a glowing ruby red stone.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 10:01 am

Chaos frowned in her sleep - her dreams twisting and warping until she felt incredibly enclosed...
Her eyes snapped open and she looked at each of the figures surrounding her, not an essence of shock on her face. She had known the Goddess would take her eventually..
With a sigh, she silently wished Alenos, Pri and her cousins well before relaxing and waiting for the seering pain that marked the beginning of her passage.
Yet it never came.
Chaos glanced through her eyelids at the figures still standing before her. She could hear each of their rhythmic breathing patterns, sense every single one of their minds, yet couldn't touch them with a pargepole had she wanted to.
Confusion and curiousity marked Chaos' features as she slowly sat up, the strap of her bra falling down, unoticed to her.
When she spok,e her voice was coarse - almost laboured.
"Who are you?"
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 10:18 am

"We are those of the Dawn, We worship it's coming and usher it's Light, Chaos..Queen of Obsidian." Alenos speak's unrecognisable from within the bowel's of the mask of the purest silver. Alenos reached down and offered her a hand to guide her from the bed, the Order moving as one to form a cirlce around them as he guides her to stand in the centre of the cold room, exposed and alone, with only him beside her. The other's a mask of expressionless and cold faces stare back at her from the darkness.

"We are the Order of the Dawn Roses. Formed in the times of your great great great grandfather's father..We have guarded the land's of Obsidian and aided the War against the scourge and the defense against the Goddess wrath..We show ourselves to you tonight to offer you a choice..We Wish you to join us.." Alenos voice was unrecognisable and yet hyptonitic as he spoke to Chaos while she shivered in the middle of the room.

Each of their mind's was closed from her and she was it seemed rooted to the spot by their mere presence, this was no usual secret order, this was the knife in the darkness, the lock that guarded the secret's and the key to them all lay tantalisingly close for her to but reach out and grab it.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 10:55 am

Chaos' gface was wary as she and the main member moved to the middle of the room. She eyed him with an element of fear before shivering as he spoke, suddenly avoiding his gaze. She knew those eyes from somewhere, didn't she?
Chaos listened, but only heard that which filled her with more distrust. The offer was too good. And why did they want her to join them?
It was probably a trap. She try and escape. Yet shouldn't - she was rooted to the spot. Chaos' frantically willed her legs to move but still they remained feeling like they were set in stone.
"Please. Why are you here?"
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 11:05 am

" The clues are before you Chaos Morgana Jinx, if only you choose to see them, Your father..before he died asked one of our number to bring you before us and to make you the offer of joining us. He was one of the greatest among us and the Order misses his work with each passing day. So in his memory we offer you a choice..Join us and know our identity's and secret's..or deny us and we will slip back into the darkness, and aid your kingdom without your knowledge." Alenos turned his gaze upon her as his eye's changed to a golden orange, eerie and filled with a powerful light.

"You try to run from us Chaos..and yet..some unexplored part of yourself is curious and wishes to know more..We know you Chaos..Each and every one of us know's you and has watched you..you will be an asset to our order..and we offer you the choice of joining us with no hesitation." Alenos knew much about Chaos mind, having been closeted with her so close for so long, he knew more than most about her habit's and her train of thought.

Brushing his robes aside to reveal the dagger with the glowing rubied hilt, he draw's it swiftly and let's it shine in the moonlight. " It's a simple choice Chaos..Join us..and spill my blood..or refuse and you shall sleep on while we leave this place."
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 11:09 am

Tentatively, Chaos reached for the dagger, the reference to her father jolting her back to reality. This was no dream and she was a Queen with duties. She needed more knowledge than she had to rule her kingdom truly.
She stood up straight, Alenos' words echoing in her ear.
"Tell me what to do." She spoke with confidence now, knowing her place and duty towards her country and her father.
And if this was worth anything, it was worth her father.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 2:51 pm

The robed figure of Alenos bared his chest to her and stood with his arm's aside for her to strike, the mask a faceless and expressionless guard for his face. Would she do it? Would she strike him down, though it would not kill him it would cause him pain.

"Do It Chaos Morgana Jinx..Strike me down and join us..strike me down..the faceless unknown killer..and cement your place as one of us" Alenos intones from within the grill like hole where his jaw and thin lip's would be were he not disgused and hidden so.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:05 am

Chaos closed her eyes and struck with the knife, not really sure what she doing. She was letting her instincts take over - whether that was a bad thing or not.
With a small smile she retreated backwards a couple of steps and awaited to be told what to do next.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:21 pm

Alenos felt the knife sink into his chest like a brand of molten fire in his chest. He gasped against the pain which threatened his vision and made the foundation's of his word swim and rock. it was a false emotion, Alenos did not feel pain anymore...yet since their encounter in the forest he suffered daily witht he bond's of his vampire self, and the enclosing sanity of his previous humanity.

"She has completed her task..Come brother's and Sister's...reveal yourselves to the newest of our number" Alenos dragged the dagger clean from his chest with an explosive hiss and grunt of false pain. Each of the 11 other member's of the order lowering their hood's and removing their mask's to reveal the 11 powerful lord's and ladies of the kingdom, Chaos would recognise each and every face as they ruled beside her and at her command.

Leaving himself till last, Alenos reached up and removed his hood, slowly removing the silver mask to reveal his face to her as the final person to unmask themselves.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:33 pm

Chaos gasped and raised a hand to her mouth.
"Alenos..." She whispered, her voice dripping with uncertainty and tainted shock. Why had he not spoken of this before?
She stepped back, too, taking in the faces surrounding her - her Lords and Ladies. She smiled weakly, relaxing somewhat now she knew who everyone was.
But Chaos was still wary. This could all still be a trick - It was well within the Goddess' cruel power, and for all Chaos knew she could be playing games with her.
And assassination was common in a place as harsh and demanding as Obsidian. Chaos knew these figures could shapeshift at any moment and kill her within a second - whether or not Alenos was close by.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:37 pm

Alenos nodded and as one the Order drew the dagger's at their waist's, Alenos own held in hishand firmly as they pause for a moment and as one throw them into a pile at her feet, removing all danger, or..the threat of the blades to her.

"My Lady.." Each of them bow's and exposes their neck to her, before straightening and in this meeting look her straight into the eye, the like of which they would not dare to do in court. "Now you see Chaos Morgana Jinx..Each of us has watched you..myself closest of all..and we have judged you worthy of the faith your father bestowed upon you...You have joined the Order of the Dawn..and are now one of us..Come..ask the question's which burn deep within your heart."
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:59 pm

Chaos watched as the members threw their weapons at her feet, and nodded once. So they weren't out to kill her. Well, not yet at least.
She sighed, the questions bubbling to her lips in an instant.
"How did the Order start?"
"What does the Order entail?"
"Is it dangerous?"
"Why the Dawn?"
"Do you have any... special gifts?"
"Are we all equals here?"
Chaos did not stop, the flow of questions spilling from her lips like water from a waterfall.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:16 pm

As one Alenos and the Order laughed a soft and short.

" The order was founded over 1000 year's ago during the reign of your the mortal ancestor, he and his select group of knight's rode out during a civil war, they fought and died in their dozen's and your ancestor and those who survived form the Order of the Dawn, each of the order's member's along with the King founded one of the 11 powerful houses and the basis of this kingdom over which you rule. The order's sole purpose is to provide unity to the ruler of Obsidian and so that they know..beyond doubt that they can call upon the 11 powerful ruling houses in times of need."

Alenos took a breath and smiled fleetingly at Chaos, letting this sink in somewhat before he continued. "Being a member of the Order their are certain danger's involved, their are those of the lesser houses, who have heard of the Order through some source and seek to surplant one of us they believe to be a member, hoping that the order will then allow them to take their place. As for Special gift's...we are the ruler's of the powerful houses of your kingdom..what more do we need.." Alenos spoke and then stopped to let her disgest this information.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:31 pm

Chaos nodded slowly, her mind reeling from the shock of it all. She turned slightly and faultered.
"Uh... Do you mind if I go back to bed now? I'm uh... Tired. And I uh... Need some time to take all this in."
She smiled, her eyes looking to Alenos for his permission. Hidden behind her eyes, only for him to see, there was hope that Alenos would stay with her tonight, just hold her while she slept.
She new it was probably a hope in vain, yet she still could not help but hope. Hope for Alenos to hold her again....
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:00 pm

Alenos nodded softly and the Order stepped forward to collect their blades from the pile on the floor, one by one replacing their mask's and slipping from the room unoticed to leave him stood alone in the room with her. Slipping out of the robe he drapes it about her shoulder's and smiles at her.

"This has to be a Shock for you Chaos..I know that..would you like me to...would you like me to stay here tonight.." Alenos ask's a little nervously with a soft smile.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:03 pm

Chaos looked shy and nodded, pulling the cloak around her shoulders.
"Yes, please. I'd like that."
She smiled as nervously as Alenos and slipped into bed, her bra and knicker a milky white against the black of her sheets.
She looked up at Alenos, taking his hand in hers and pulled him down to lay next to her. She snuggled close to him, burying her head in his chest and wrapping his arms around her bare waist.
She breathed in his heavy scent and slowly fell into a comatose sleep.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:06 pm

Alenos sigh's lightly as she sleep's peacefully in his arm's. He had no idea why he had offered to stay with her, he did not understand why he had done it and could not fathom the series of event's that had lead her to be curled up against his chest, her perfect body against his in nothing but her pale white underwear.

He swallowed deeply and tried to slip into sleep, it coming after a long time and with some difficulty.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Dec 08, 2009 2:44 pm

Chaos awoke sleepily and rubbed her eyes, not being used to waking up next to Alenos. He was asleep, and she didn't want to wake him. She moved very slightly closer to him and turned, so her back was to him, before closing her eyes and relaxing into his arms once more.
She smiled, her skin touching Alenos' and making her shiver with not only desire but love and security. She felt completely safe here, in his strong arms, sleeping.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyThu Jan 21, 2010 2:29 pm

Alenos slept soundely when it came and awoke the next morning to feel Chaos cool skin against his chest, smiling fuzzily and rolling into her he places the most chast of kisses on her neck to wish her good morning and curl's himself to her.

All traces of doubt banished for the moment as he smiles again at her sleepily, unused to waking beside her and still full of desire from the night before.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyThu Jan 21, 2010 2:38 pm

Chaos smiled in her sleep as Alenos curled himself around her, and snuggled into him closer, murmuring his name slowly. Her eyes fluttered open and she beamed before blushing.
"Morning, Alenos."
She spoke quietly, unwilling to shatter the love-drenched aura that surrounded them in the morning light. She sighed and rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly, one strap of her bra falling off her shoulder. SHe didn't worry about it. Alenos wouldn't care, and if he did he would be foolish.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyThu Jan 21, 2010 2:42 pm

Alenos sat up with her and kissed the exposed skin of her shoulder, where her bra strap has fallen away to show soft and pale skin beneath, his lip's lingering their for a moment before he spoke "Good Morning Chaos..I trust you slept well"

Alenos smiled beamingly at her and reached to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, rescuing it from her mouth as he run's his hand and arm around her toned and soft stomach
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyFri Jan 22, 2010 10:05 am

Chaos smiled over her shoulder at Alenos sleepily. She rubebd her eyes again, rubbing her head and shaking her hair out of its bed-head mess. She groaned and put one hand to her head.
"Oh, I hate mornings..." She laughed once and flopped backwards onto the bed, turning only her head to look at Alenos.
She smiled and turned over fully, placing one hand over his heart and looking up into his deep brown eyes.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyTue Feb 23, 2010 12:56 pm

Alenos laughed softly and musically and kissed her softly, before clambering over her playfully in an attempt to rescue his boxer short's. "Im hungry, I need to eat something, for some reason i'm tired too, thought i slept the best i had in a lifetime last night." Alenos laughed warmly and kisses her on the way back across, swatting her playfully with the boxer short's.
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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn.   The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. EmptyWed Feb 24, 2010 2:17 am

Chaos snarled playfully as Alenos swatted her, and slapped his butt with a cheeky smile in return. She winked and jumped up, pulling on her short silk dressing gown and walking with Alenos out of her bedroom for the first time, to get some breakfast.

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The Queen of the Night meet's the Dawn. Empty
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