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 Night for the Eternal.

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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:39 pm

Alenos paces the room impatiently, eyeing a female servant standing against the wall as she stares vacantly, A slow and deeply disconcerting smile spread's over his aristocratic and handsomely pale features. "What's your name girl?" He call's out softly as he stalk's across the room to her, his hand cupping her chin and running down her neck to rest against the top of her breast as her heartbeat quicken's and her face flushes in embarrasement and fear.

"Enchantra..Sir..M'lord" the girl stutter's as Alenos lean's in a little closer, and whisper's softly "Tell me a little about yourself Enchantra..Do you enjoy moonlight walk's?" The meaning behind Alenos's word's is mistakable, the girl's heart beating faster against her skin in pure fear and the thrill of anticipation as Alenos look's down into her eye's.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:49 pm

Chaos spoke directly into Alenos' head.
Leave her.
She walked into the room and ran her hand gently along the back of his neck, enjoying the feeling of anticipation she sensed around him. A slow grin encompassed her delicate features, making her look somewhat like a savage dog ready to kill her prey.
"You need to be careful where your thirst takes you, My Lord. It could lead you into difficulty should you harm one of my girls." The warning was clear in Chaos' voice as she stared at Alenos, her eyes cold and hard.
He was her favourite gaurdsman by far, yet he just couldn't seem to help himself - wherever he was.
Chaos shook her head and dropped her hand from Alenos' neck before turning and pacing back and forth.
"Besides. Times like this we need unity, not destruction. Okay?" Chaos glanced nce more at Alenos as she spoke, the warning of what would happen should he not obey clear deep in his mind.
Chaos pulled her hair from the ponytail she held it in. It cascaded down her shoulders, like a waterfall would gracefully casade down a beautiful feature. She smiled, her eyes betraying the love she held for her country and it's people. And they betrayed her love for Alenos. Of course, not love, but a fondness she had come to kindle deep within her soul. After all, it was Alenos who had saved her...
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 3:00 pm

Alenos shook his head and the spell was broken, the girl looking up at him with a shocked gasp and a hasty scramble back to fall to the floor with a shocked squeak. Alenos shivered and stepped from within Chaos reach to turn to face her and look her over from head to toe with his strong hazel gaze. She was a beautiful woman but he had no time for such thing's, he was a warrior and as such he lived by his blades song.

"Your girl's tease me Chaos, as well you know..They dress so provovactively..and their blood is so warm and sweet..It's almost impossible to resist. " The rebellion was there hidden beneath his guilded word's, as he met and returned her stare. If she wished to play such games, like as not so could he. Alenos point's across the room to where a young lady of the court flirt's with a vampire of his retinue. "This one for example..Has something within her to speed her pulse..and attract her to our attention..Do all your ladies do this..or just the beautiful ones.." Alenos grin's as his fang's slip clean over his lip.

"Chaos..Stand still woman..for the love of the goddess.." Alenos curses as she start's to pace, she had paced so since the night he had saved her, and yet she had more reason to be still and calm, her smile betrayed it. To distract himself Alenos slide his sword an inch from it's scabbard at his side, it's melancholy song filling the room as he closes his eye's and takes a deep and measured breath.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyTue Nov 24, 2009 11:09 am

Chaos was young, and she wanted to flirt. She giggled suddenly and stepped towards Alenos until their faces were a hairs-breath away.
"Oh no, My Lord. All my ladies have such powers." Chaos grinned and quickened her own pulse, knowing the scent of the fresh blood she had just feasted on would attract Alenos into her world.
She smiled now, her eyes calm, and relaxed, yet hard and cold. Her pale skin was almost glowing in the dim light of the throne room, and Chaos could sense Alenos' want for her blood.
She giggled again, her focus on the quick and sexy rhythm of the blood pumping round her body.
Chaos knew she had to talk to Alenos about private matters. She knew she shouldn't be playing games; but she was a teenager! She wanted to mess about, flirt, toy, giggle and have fun.
She may be a Queen, but she still had feelings. right?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Nov 25, 2009 2:27 pm

“I think my lady has learned one of two thing’s from her ladies she should have not...” Alenos speaks softly, his voice as soft and deep as its usual blade from scabbard tone ring’s out into the ever so small gap between them. Raising a hand up slightly towards her cheek. Alenos extends one lethally sharp nail that in her service has shorn through steel to run it softly and slowly light as a whisper over her skin, stopping as it runs across her collar bone, across her breast to stop above her heart.

Alenos deep and entrancing eye’s had left Chaos’s while she had quickened her pulse, to match his desire of the other maid. Alenos fang’s slid softly from his mouth to protrude over his lower lip, his breathing deepening to match his frustration to lock her in a death grip and drink his fill of her sweet and enchanting blood. She was playing with him..he knew that..but why was she having such an effect on him..

She was a teenager he knew..but..he was not much older..all teenager’s liked to flirt but had she just made a pass at him. Deciding to call her bluff Alenos raises his own hand to his mouth as it leaves her breast, biting the finger softly so that a bead of blood appear’s on the tip. Holding it out to her he bow’s softly and lower’s his eye’s.

“My Lady..” Alenos speak’s softly toward’s the floor. I wonder whether she will take it..Alenos think’s to himself as he wonder’s whether he has wrongly called his Queen’s bluff.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyThu Nov 26, 2009 12:06 pm

Chaos watched Alenos' reaction with silent amusement. Her smile faded, however, when he lifted his finger, his bleeding finger, to his Queen's lip-level. She opened her mouth, the blood beckoning her.
And then she was drinking. The thirst overpowered her fondness for Alenos, and she knew she must stop before she caused lasting damage. She tore herself away, stealing a glance at Alenos as she wiped her blood-smeared mouth.
By the Goddess - What had she just done? A young girl perhaps, but still strong of mind. Why was her bodyguard having such an effect on her? Why had she given in to him without a fight so easily?
Chaos scowled, her heart filled with a sudden revulsion towards Alenos. She DID NOT in any circumstances have any feelings more than friendship for him.
Did she?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 6:48 pm

"I shall..retire to my room's..Good evening My Lady..Matthias..will see to your need's for a guard this evening.." Alenos murmer's as she releases his finger. By Obsidian herself..He had overplayed his hand. She had fed from him so readily and so easily..Obsidian's wrath..Alenos thought to himself as he hastily exited the room's and strode down the corridor. Leaving Chaos stood in his powerful wake as blood dripped from his ruined wrist.

She had been rough with her feeding and it had taken it's toll on him, even in those moment's she had drunk deeply and experienced a portion of the power his blood held, his anger and passion, his fear's and loves. Why had he even offered her the tempation..What had possessed him?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 6:44 am

Chaos ran after Alenos, taking his hand in hers and pulling him round to face her with inhuman speed and strength.
"Don't go..." Chaos looked up at Alenos, her eyes full of pleading and a sense of lost. She did not release his hand, though she knew she probably should. Instead she stood, on her tiptoes to reach, and kissed Alenos on the lips. The gentle kiss, somewhat shy due to Chaos' inexperience, lingered for less than a moment before the Queen pulled away, embaressed and not sure what to do.
The kiss had taken both by surprise. Chaos had not meant to do it, yet for some reason she was glad she had. For a while now, she had wondered what it was like to Kiss Alenos, and they had known each other for over a decade now.
Chaos dropped his hand, her pale cheeks reddening as she turned and walked to the other end of the room in silence.
She knew Alenos would be angry, and waited for his wrath to descend.
Would it?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 1:40 pm

Alenos did something that suprised him, he was not awash in a waze of anger..he felt a flash of heat..and the urge to flee. Turning on his heel and striding away Alenos tries to think, What on earth had they just done..

Alenos did the only thing he thought he could do, he turned and left the room, his shoulder's hunched and a defeated air about himself as he strode in the direction of his chamber's. He had overplayed his hand..and she had kissed him..Chaos..His Queen..Had kissed him! The realisation dawned slowly on him, surging through suddenly and striking him like a hammer blow.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 1:50 pm

Chaos bit her lip as she heard Alenos leave the room. She allowed herself time to make sure no one was around before bursting into tears.
She ran to the corner, collapsing with her back against the walls, and curled into a sobbing ball.
By the Goddess, what had she done? What if this ruined the ten year friendship between her and Alenos? She hated the distance between them - she only wanted him to treat her like a friend, not a Queen.
Chaos wiped her eyes, black mascara and eyeliner streaking down her face and marring the pale perfection of her features. But for once she didn't care for appearances. All Chaos cared about was the trouble she had just caused for Alenos and herself.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 6:08 am

Alenos roared out into the corridor of the palace, his vampiric hearing picking up the sound of Chaos tear’s like a knife through the heart. His roar drawing guard’s from all quarter’s of the palace with the ever present Guy and Matthias at their head.
“Guy...Matthias..Get me clear of here..” Alenos whispered softly as his loyal retainer’s stepped up beside him and took his arm’s softly, steering him through the crowd of armed guardsmen toward’s his quarter’s in the palace. Stepping inside he makes his way toward's a deeply buried chamber within his sprawling chamber's stepping within he closes the door softly and kneel's before the Altar.

Removing his shirt the mark of the cresent moon shines against his skin like molten silver. Exposing his wrist's and neck before the altar he speak's softly, his voice hoarse and full of emotion. "Goddess..Obsidian..Your faithul servant Alenos speak's, and beg's you heed his word's..How do i cage this beast within me..How do i save myself from it's wrath and those under the godess light that i love.." Alenos stop's speaking for a moment to bow his head to the freezing cold stone floor.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 9:56 am

Chaos heard Alenos' roar, yet it only served in causing her to sob harder, the pain already stirring un her heart wrenching and twisting like a dagger.
Her eyes flashed and her hands shook, which was a first for one so composed as Chaos.
She whispered words to the Goddess, praying that Alenos was safe and well, and that she had not just lost him forever.
Had she lost him forever....?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:31 pm

In a sudden flash of realisation Alenos knew with the Goddess guidance what he must do. Rushing from his chamber's as he pulled on his shirt to hide the trapping's of his devotion to the Goddess. Alenos made his way back to Chaos and knelt beside her swiftly and silently, kneeling closer to her and whispering softly.

"Chaos.." Alenos spoke her name softly, as he let it hang in the air between them for several moment's, letting her compose herself and choose to look at him in her own time.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:36 pm

Chaos shuddered and cowered from Alenos, glancing at him, the weak side of her clear. She'd now lost everything - her father, her mother, her sister, her family, her pride. Everything was gone, and Chaos was afraid.
Her hands continued to shake, as she jumped at her name, letting her eyes move to Alenos and take in the look in his own emotive eyes.
She shrinked back further, making herself smaller still in the corner. It was useless. She was scared. Not of Alenos, but of being alone.
Chaos, Queen of Obsidian, was scared.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:44 pm

Alenos heart clenched and beat for the first time in a a decade or more as she shrank from him, the sound echoing into the cold space between them as he steadied himself and reached out toward's her, taking her shaking hand's into his own and steadying them.

"Chaos..you need to steel yourself and calm..Remeber who you are..your not alone..Not while my undead life last's and i stand beside you.." Alenos knew that she needed him in that moment. Guiding her from the corner and into his lap, he showed her a flash of his long locked away feeling's by craddling her as he had done all those year's ago when he had saved her life. He wrapped his arm's around her and smoothed her hair and sang to her softly in his deep and hypnotic voice.

"Slumber now child of mine,
Until they come with torch of flame,
but do not run,
your time has come,
for the soldier's of Chaos stake their claim,"

" They come to claim you child of mine,
they come to claim your life,
with their heart's of stone and splitting bone,
they wage their deadly strife,"

"So sleep tonight child of mine,
for tomorrow morn the sun wont shine,
so stay aware,
and offer prayer,
for the Soldier's of Chaos march once more,"
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 12:56 pm

Chaos slowly calmed as Alenos wrapped her in his arms and sang to her softly. She still trembled and sobbed, but her mind became calmer, and her thoughts more rational. She knew she wasn't alone, but she couldn't shift the feeling of loos - it stuck in her unbeating heart like a knife, twisting with every breath she took. Her father. Her mother. Her sister. All gone. All taken.
Chaos may not be alone, but she had lost a lot, and it was now that her tragic life truly hit her. And for the first time, she wished she'd never been brought into this Goddess-forsaken world.
She turned slightly on Alenos' lap and buried her face in his chest, squeezing her eyes tight shut against the pain that threatened to overtake her once more. She clung to him, like a lost and drowning soul. And she too let her feelings show.
Her love show..
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:07 pm

Alenos waiting untill the sobbing had ceased, untill Chaos had calmed and fallen silent before he cupped her chin into his palm and guided her face up so that he could look into her eye's. "Chaos..Listen to me..I am not going to leave you..If i ever do..It will be once my immortal life has come to an end..and i am forceably taken from you." Alenos spoke calmly and cooly as he slipped a small and roughly hewn iron band from his left index finger and pressed it into her palm. "

"Here..this was my father's..he took it from a mortal champion, who he claimed had been the best man he had ever fought.." he pressed it onto her palm and then pressed his lip's to her's softly in a chaste kiss. "Be strong for me Chaos.." He spoke as he slipped from her encompassing grasp and left her their, with the feeling of his lip's against her's and his father's ring in her palm.

He couldn't let himself love her..It would hamper his ability to protect her..
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:12 pm

Chaos exploded. She kissed Alenos back with a force unbeknown to her, wrapping herself around him before he pulled away.
And suddenly she was alone again, with a ring in her palm. She looked at it, her face blank and unseeing.
It was a ring, yes. But Alenos had given it to her - it was a gift of love. She looked up and around the room, one hand raised to her lips, the other clutching the ring.
She was alone again.
Chaos was alone again.
She always had been and always would be alone.
Wouldn't she?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:20 pm

Alenos slipped from the room as fast as his feet could carry him. By the Goddess..What had he done..He had kissed her..He should not have done that..
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:32 pm

Chaos heart ached at the sudden emptiness. Feebly, she called out.
"Alenos..." Her voice was hoarse from crying, but it carried along the corridors. She shrank back into the shadows ocne more, shivering suddenly for a reason unknown to her. She was scared, she was cold. She was weak.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 3:45 am

Alenos was back at her side in an instant and scooping her into his arm's, holding her tight to his chest and smoothing her hair softly. "Ssssshhhh...Shhhhhh.. It's alright Chaos..Im here..Im here..It's all going to be alright..Nothing is going to hurt you.." Alenos rocked her softly as he held her lightly in his arm's.

He knew he had hurt her, but he could not leave her alone now, not in the state she was in...which was his fault.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 9:49 am

Chaos sought out Alenos' lips with her own, her eyes closing as she pressed herself to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him fervently.
She wanted nothing more than to lose herself with him; but knew deep down he would never allow it. Her move had taken him by surprise and Chaos took advantage of it; wrapping herself around him before Alenos could push her away - which was what he would normally do.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 7:01 am

Alenos suddenly found Chaos lip's attatched to his own, her arm's locked tight around his neck and her hourglass body pressed to his in a lover's embrace. She had taken advantage of his suprise and was kissing him with a passion he had never seen from her. Alenos for several long and drawn moment's was in shock..but slowly felt himself kissingh er in return, pulling her that little bit closer, and slowly drowing himself in her before..

"She is your Queen.." and "Your only order is to protect me Alenos.." Strung into his mind like a knife to the heart, and he felt the desire he had felt cool and slip back to just below the surface.
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 9:42 am

Chaos whimpered as Alenos began to control himself once more, her eyes looking to him like a lost little puppy. She couldn't stand it any longer.
"Would it help if I ordered you to?" Chaos' voice was quiet, only for Alenos' ears. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, and swallowed, trying desperately to guage his reaction.
She bit her lip somewhat nervously and waited, and waited, and waited for him to react to her plea.
Would he let her in? Or would he push her away just like always?
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Night for the Eternal. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night for the Eternal.   Night for the Eternal. EmptyMon Dec 07, 2009 3:56 am

Alenos looked at her and nodded softly, biting his lip untill his sweet blood ran down his cheek and across his chin. Looking up at her he spoke in the softest of tones.

"Yes...but..when we have..once I id over..I will leave you and go back to my quarter's..."

Alenos spoke the word's and hated himself for the guilt and hope he felt, before looking down and awaiting the slap he was sure was coming...
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