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 The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.

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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySun Nov 22, 2009 9:24 pm

Alenos reigned in his horse in a jangle of armour and a clatter of hooves from the animal. It usually silent as it Basques of the person atop it. Fear...Alenos thought to himself, when be there a time when people had not feared him. Sat atop his nameless nightmare steed, Alenos gazes out across the small village, watching with a soft and gentle smile creasing his otherwise serene and calm face as Guy. One of his knight’s and loyal retainer’s feed’s roughly from the neck and breast of a young maid, the blood running from her neck, over her pale skin to drip from her nipple as Guy frantically feed’s from her deep within his bloodlust, the animal of the beast within let loose.

Alenos laugh’s and hang’s his helm from his saddle pommel, sliding gracefully from the steed’s back, his booted feet set down into the dirt with barely a sound to be heard amidst the death, destruction and feeding frenzy of his knight’s. Stepping further into the street, a maid run’s past Alenos, her dress torn and blood running from a cut above her eye. Smiling wickedly he catches her arm and spin’s her too him, his face transforming into the beast beneath his soul as he rip’s her jugular vein free with his fang’s and drink’s lustily.

Blood, Sweet..Powerful..Metallic tasting blood..his lifeforce now..the thing that drove him to such length’s. Glancing around the street as he let’s the corpse of the maid slip from his grasp, blood run’s down his strong chin as he searches for his next victim.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 11:51 am

Chaos entered Llustafi on her black horse - Moonlight. A sexy snarl encompassed her features as she watched her renowned soldier drink from his victim. Her eyes flashed as she urged her horse forward, watching as the Red Duke looked up from his meal.
She nodded just once and glanced towards the hut nearby. Turning Moonlight, she dismounted and tied him to the nearest tree stump.
There were no trees in this part of town. The forest fires the Goddess had cursed Llustafi with had ruined everything. Nothing had survived apart from the dead.
Chaos straightened her dress and entered the hut. The smell hit her hard, making her retch, and she ran out again, turning to be violently ill on the ground. She had not realised the Goddess could cause such chaos.
Of course... It's my name sake Chaos thought with a resounding sigh. She wiped her mouth and walked up to Alenos. His eyes held her strong gaze, unwavering, and she smiled.
"We need to talk."
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 1:10 pm

Alenos met Chaos's stare unwaveringly as he let the corpse of the young woman slide down his chest to crumple in a lifeless heap to the ground, nodding as he strides past her, he grasp's a peasent male about the neck and break's it savegly with a crack, throwing the corpse aside. "Talk Chaos...while i do all im good for" Alenos wrinkled his nose at the smell of vomit coming from Chaos, Surely..as Queen of Obsidian and the creatures of the night she would have the stomach for this work. The killing and the feeding.

Alenos drew his blade from his side, the blade singing from the scabbard with a sickening keening, to each hearing it's song it would sounf different. To some the death cries of a loved one, the agony of a tortured babe, a maiden's scream's of pleasure. The list was endless, the hunger it cried out insurmountable. The sword sang it's entrancing song as each of the Duke's vampires raised their faces to the sky and howled a sickening song, meeting the blades song and joining it in a crescendo of noise as the town of Llustafi burned on into the night.

Alenos turned to face Chaos, as he took the head carlessly from a woman fleeing through the street, the child clutched to her breast bouncing from the cobbles with a wailing screetch as it's mother's lifeless eye's fall upon it.

"Talk Chaos.." Alenos say's in his deep and deadly voice, each word soft as a caress but deadly as the killer's knife in the dark.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:36 pm

Chaos nodded once, grabbing a young man from the street and kissing him roughly before letting her mouth wander to his neck.
She glanced up a moment later, her lips smeared with blood. She drank thirstilly. She hadn't fed like this for days, not since the last of her soldiers went out to save the villages from the Goddess Obsidian's storms.
She cast the lifeless body aside, smiling at Alenos as she wiped her mouth.
"We need to talk about the Goddess."
Chaos glanced upwards towards the dark and overcast sky as she spoke Her name. She did not fear the Goddess, but she felt the others' fear of her - it hung over the entire City like a fog, waiting to descend in the cold grips of death.
Chaos looked to Alenos again as a cold grin spread across her face.
"And we need to talk about how I'm releasing you from your duty."
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:49 pm

A flash of something ghost's across Alenos face and all his knight's stop to look at their lord with a wary expression, edging slightly closer to him and Queen Chaos. Alenos word's are soft and subtle but to a mortal they would sound as though they came from an executioner. "Your're releasing me.." Alenos say's with a rumble as Guy advances to put his hand on Alenos sword wrist and another of his Coven Matthias places a heavy hand onto his shoulder.

Both of the Vampires dare not meet Chaos gaze and look set to flee should Alenos barely restrained temper slip and loose itself. How dare she release him from his duty. He had ridden the length of her kingdom and slain countless number's in her service and now he was being cast aside. "Talk then..and let it be finished..Betrand..See to the horses..and make ready to leave.." Alenos growl's and bark's at the assembled men, galvanising all but Matthias and Guy into action.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:56 pm

Chaos stepped foward. She had known her Alenos would be like this. SHe flicked one finger, and a small yet sturdy boy came scuttling out, a soft cushion balanced in his hands.
She smiled and motioned towards it. Letting her glance follow Alenos and look upon what lay there.
The sword glistened and gleemed with what seemed like an ethereal ruthlessness that woud strike fear into any mortal man.
Chaos gripped the sword, weighing it in her hands. Too heavy for her, yet it would be perfect for Alenos. She passed it to him, her eyes soft and gentle.
"Yes. I am releasing you from your duty to me, because I think your skills would be better suited closer to me myself. Therefore I am releasing you from your duty to me and asking for your service as my private gaurdsman. I trust you more than anyone, Alenos. I hope you trust me too."
Chaos looked down, somewhat shy after her display of affection, and blushed, as she awaited Alenos' grip to take the weight from her arms.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyWed Nov 25, 2009 2:46 pm

Alenos breathed deeply as Guy gripped his wrist, he knew Chaos was paying him an honour and by the gift of the blade, he was accepting it. He knew that, yet he could not get past the insurmountable rage he felt. The blade's etherial ruthlessness was attractive and deeply drawing to one such as him...a killer..a trained and deadly killer..

"You want me...to serve..as your personal bodyguard.." Alenos breathed with a rasp as he looked down at the the blade in her hand's. She trusted him..but could he leave the blood and the killing behind to protect her..Alenos extended a hand to take the blade from her as he saw how she struggled with it's brutal weight but he could not bring himself to do it and accept as his hand wavered and shook.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyThu Nov 26, 2009 11:59 am

Chaos leant forward and smiled, nodding.
"I want you to serve as my bodygaurd. Is there any problem with that, My Lord?" Chaos' tone was slightly ironic, given the obvious indecision Alenos felt about serving such an honourable job.
Her face became hard, warnings clear in her eyes. If Alenos didn't accept her offer she would have to exile him to Llustafi - perhaps further. She didn't want to lose such a worthy warrior but her job as Queen was more important than her feelings. She could not jeopardise a civil war in the mess that the Goddess Obsidian had caused already.
Chaos sighed, waiting somewhat impatiently for Alenos to lift the weight from her shoulders. It had not been long since her last attack - a blade through the shoulder. It burned with the strain, and beads of blood began to form as the scar split.
Chaos could hear the flesh tearing, bile rose in her throat as she sensed the ravenous vampires around her, and the smell of her fresh, sweet blood filled the room.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 7:04 pm

Alenos righted himself from his anger and shock and met her gaze with a steely insentity, the indecision disappearing from his face and bearing in a human's heartbeat. "I'll take your be damned service Chaos..Under condition..If i tell you to run..you run..if i tell you to hide..you hide..You answer to me in all matter's of your safety and well being..Obsidian be damned..if i give you an order..you will listen and obey if it involves your safety.." Alenos meet's her warning gaxe with one of true defiance, she may be his Queen, but Goddess be damned if she thoguht she were his superior in the children of the night.

"Accept and I shall take the Sword you so graciouslly offer from your own hand..else..I shall ride from the ashes and corpses of this village and accept your exil..My Queen you may be..Strategist you are not Chaos.." Alenos say's softly as he look's at the opening would on her shoulder, the fresh blood entoxicating him as he grin's and his fang's slip menacingly from his lip's. He had no qualm's about drinking from her..the beast within him was strong.

Each of his men turned to stare at her, and as one seemed to turn their gazes upon her. "You see..Loyalty is earned through fear and respect..." Alenos whisper's for her alone as he run's a finger over her wound, licking the blood from it as he presses a silken handkerchief to the wound, leaving her holding the blade.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 6:53 am

Chaos scowled and nodded in agreement to Alenos' words.
"I accept graciously, My Lord."
The wound stung now, as Alenos ran his finger down it, licking the blood and placing a handkercheif over it. She wriggled away and thrust the sword forward, urging him to take it.
"I am young, Alenos. But I am not stupid. Take the sword and leave me to deal with my own problems. You're only business now is my safety. Do you understand?"
Chaos stepped forward, a determined look set on her features as she lifted the sword higher, despite the pain in her shoulder.
She knew Alenos would take it, but would he see his Queen in pain before he relieved her of the heavy burden? Could she trust him to keep the beast within under control? Could Chaos trust her new guard not to take her blood for his own?
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 1:54 pm

Alenos growled and snatched the blade from her, throwing it to Matthias and stepping forward to close his hand about her throat. "You insult me and then seek to honour me in equal measure Chaos..Queen of Obsidian.." Alenos spoke as he tightnened his grip against the pale skin of her throat.

"In the 10 long year's since the night my legend was born..I have killed countless thousand's for you..bathed in the blood of each one and worshipped the goddess for giving me the strength to kill in your name..Be afraid..I have killed greater men and women for the insult paid to me tonight..Your blood is enough for my taste's..Should i forsake my oath of fealty and snap you like a twig..Should I?"

Alenos look's into her eye's and catches a flash of fear within her gaze. "Should i let the beast within run free over your kingdom Chaos?" His voice is like a executioner's axe sliding through the air, cold and hard with a deadly edge.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 2:01 pm

Chaos pulled herself free and slapped Alenos clean around the face.
"Alenos. We have been friends for ten years now. And still you do not teart me as a friend. I have homoured you beyond belief. Most soldiers would love to be in your position right now, but no. You still strive to make your Queen look weak in fron of her men. Well let me tell you, Alenos. Should you break me like a twig, as you so blithely put it, I will haunt you for the rest of your days. You may think you are a monster but I know better. Monsters don't play mums and dads when they're eight years old."
Chaos was scolding and loving all in one while she spoke. Her eyes held plentiful love for Alenos, yet scolded him for his behaviour. She was growing tired of his games, and with the battles between the livving and dead looming, she did not need his stress on top of everything else.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 2:16 pm

Alenos licked the blood clean from his lip, sinking to one knee and kneeling in the mud and blood soaked earth before her, lowering his head and tilting his neck in a gesture of submission. "As you Wish my Queen.." Alenos display had been intended from the opposite, but Chaos had not seen it. She had just asserted her authoruty over him in one stroke and although diminishing his standing with his knight's had raised her own and her ability to lead.

"I await your command my Queen..." Alenos mumbles with fealty on his knee's before her.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 2:20 pm

Chaos smiled and raised Alenos' head with the tip of her fingers. She hadn't meant to make him feel so stupid, and suddenly felt awful for the way she had spoken to him. She knew she had needed to prove her ability to lead, yet somehow, all Chaos wanted to do was hug Alenos and say sorry.
Her eyes filled with kindness as she spoke gently.
"You could start by taking me home... Please..."
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 2:33 pm

Alenos nodded and started barking order's at Guy and Matthias, taking his cloak from about his shoulder's and drapping it about Chaos's with a wan smile. "My Lady..Should you be cold.." Alenos nod's and bow's his head softly. The ruin's of the village was suddenly alive with life, Vampires streaming from broken down building's as they made horses ready and mounted up. Forming a tight and organised circle around Alenos and Chaos.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 2:52 pm

Chaos smiled weakly as Alenos draped his cloak over her shoulders. She watched as the soldiers went about to do as Alenos told them, and smiled as they formed a tight circle around the two. She turned to Alenos.
A soft smile played on her lips as Chaos mounted her horse setlled into the saddle. It was growing dark and she wanted to get home before nightfall.
Chaos cantered down the road, leaving the village behind, at peace with the knowledge that Alenos was nearby.
For the first time in a while, she felt safe around him.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 5:36 am

Alenos stole a glance across at Chaos as they rode side by side, his cloak shrouding her small frame as she sit’s atop her steed. Alenos growl’s deep in his throat as a wave of blood washes over him, the smell eminating from the nearby pile of corpses. Alenos breath rasp’s from his chest in a shuddering growl, it catching short as he tries to breathe again with the growl rasping from deeper within his chest.

“Guy..Matthis..” Alenos grunt’s as Matthias guides his horse between Alenos and Chaos and Guy rides up on Alenos other side. Silently the two vampires guide their horses closer to Alenos, sandwiching him between them as his breathing comes out in deep rasping growl’s, loud and unearthly, his eye’s slipping from Hazel to a deep and eerie blood red. Alenos sit's rigid in his saddle and grip's the saddle pommel tightly, taking his helm from it and setting it atop his head, closing the visor and locking it in place with a click, Guy leaning across to add a small silver padlock to a hasp mounted to the side of the helm, locking it closed and binding it with silver.

Matthias reaches into a saddle bag and takes a length of silver chain from within, biding Alenos wrist's to the saddle pommel and padlocking that inplace with an indentical padlock. Matthias unearthly gaze fall's upon that of Guy's and they nod softly to one another.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 5:59 am

Chaos watched Alenos change with horror written all over her face. Her face contored into a look of dsisgust, fear, shock...
She gasped as the two other soldiers began chaining Alenos to the horse he was riding. Was the monster inside him really that prominent? Could he really have such a dangerous and terrible frenzy in the space of a split second?
Chaos dropped her gaze and led her horse to the back of the procession, avoiding looking toward her now second in command, so to speak. A single tear ran down her cheek as she realised just how dangerous the man she loved was. REALLY dangerous.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 6:12 am

Alenos sat atop his steed in his helm and bound securely to his steed, tear's streaming down his face. Why couldn't he bind the beast within him? Why couldn't he keep a secure grasp on it and force it back deep within himself?

These thought's ran through his head as his world was shadowed and muffled by his restricting helm, his wrist's clasped together in their silver binding's. "Im Sorry Chaos.." Alenos whispered within his helm, knowing she likely could not hear him but for his own heart he had to apologise.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 10:08 am

That was when Chaos decided. Her mind made up, her eyes flashing with cold determination, she spurred her horse onwards and back to the front of the procession.
Calling everyone to a halt, she stood in front of Alenos' steed and sat up straight as she could.
"So is this it, Alenos? Why bind yourself like this? Why even bother to? You're never going to learn to control it when you cower away from it. Follow me."
She did not give him a choice, leaning and grabbing the reins of his horse, Chaos galloped away and into the hills. She waited until the rest of the guard was out of sight and gently but firmly untied him.
"Let's see what you're made of then."
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 10:25 am

Alenos felt himself being led forward's and barely heard Chaos word's, His own word's lossed in the galloping of their horses as he felt himself being led far from the protective safety of Guy and Matthias and beyond deep into the hill's. Slowly the chain's from his wrist's were removed by delicate hand's and his helm was unlocked and lifted gently from his head. Chaos stood before him with a determined look on her flawless and perfect face, as the beast within himself growled and threatened to spring forth.

" I don't..Understand Chaos..Why have you released me from my safety..I am but who i am..?" Alenos question's as inwardly he war's with the beast attempting to force it back, and down to it's cage within his being.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 11:01 am

Chaos sensed the battle that Alenos was inwardly fighting, but stillwas not scared. She merely stepped forward and touched his cheek, light as a feather's touch, burshing her fingers from his cheekbone to the nape of his neck. She cocked her head to the side and spoke, her words velvety and tender.
"Alenos, you once told me that I needed to stand straight and remember my promises. You once said that if I could face you, I could like as not face any foe. I thank you for those words - they have trule made me a Queen. But now it's my turn to help you, Alenos. You want to be stronger - to be able to cage the beast within - yet you cannot. But how are you ever going to be strong when you tie yourself up like that and don't let yourself fight the beast. You are strong, Alenos. You ARE strong. You've saved my life countless times before, and though you kid yourself, I know that somewhere within you there is a touch of emotion towards me. If you can sit upon your proud steed and not hurt me, even when the very essence of your inner-beast is clawing to escape, then you have won your life-long battle. I know you, Alenos. You will not hurt me." Chaos smiled, and leant forward to gently touch her lips with his, before turning and walking away. He would either come after her and kill her, or come after her and walk beside her. Either way Alenos was going to learn how to control himself today.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 1:07 pm

Alenos heard her word's and sank to his knee's slowly and gently as she kissed him softly on the lip's, his hand's clutching at his head as he writhed and mewled in the dirt. The internal battle with the beast and his own sanity combined with the last vesatages of his own humanity threatened to overwhelm him.

The sense of being and needing to hunt take him over as he surges to his feet and run's after her, leaping from the nearest tree to connect with her and bare her to the ground, sinking his fang's into her throat and drinking slowly but deeply. All the while the conciousness within Alenos fight's to free itself and stop his body from doing what it should not.

He was feeding from Chaos..
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 2:38 pm

Chaos was expecting as much. She relaxed and let Alenos drink as much as he needed from her. This was part of the learning curve - he would regret it later.
Chaos smiled at the idea of Alenos begging her for mercy, and even had to fight the urge to burst out laughing. Yeah - like that would happen.
She felt herself going feint, her blood was scarce to begin with and Alenos was slowly draining her energy and life source.
Chaos fought to stay awake.
Please, Alenos. Stop. You're killing me.
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The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos.   The Red Duke Return's to Obsidian and Chaos. EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 2:41 pm

Alenos got up from her and smiled softly, her blood coursing through his vein's and running in rivlet's down his chin. It tasted divine. It was the best tasting blood he had ever tasted and he was loathe to kill her so he could taste more.

Pacing around her as she lay there, the beast within Alenos growled and roared as he waited for her to recover somewhat so he could drink more of his fill, his hand's shaking as the war within him raged, sanity fought the beast in a pitched battle for control of his mind.
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