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 Innocent Sorrow

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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:15 pm

The rain was unexpected...Not that Alice minded it.She welcomed the rain as she sat amongst the statues in the memorial.Shielded by a big angel statue,her bandage clad eyes gazed at the almost black and white scenery painted by her 'mind's eye'.Nostalgia hit her by waves...This silent memorial reminded her of the graveyard where she had found herself in almost eight years ago.Her memory wipped clean,nothing but her name remained in her concience.Hugging her knees close like a lost child,Alice sighed,letting her overly long black hair fall like spider webs over her shoulders and down her back.With her bandaged left hand she brushed her fringe out the way.All around her the raindrops plopped onto the statues,the ground,the shrubby plants and the large marble angel's wing above her head.Her hyper sensitive hearing caught every sound around her...

Though as much as this scene was calming her,Alice hated the one fact she had to face: She was alone.Again.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:18 pm

Danny had been wandering when he saw her. She was beautiful. More beautiful than many women he had seen. And she looked so alone...
Suddenly he found his legs taking him towards her, a warm and gentle smile on his face.
"Hello. My name's Danny. Who are you?" He smiled again, his eyes creasing at the corners with a warmth that was difficult to distrust or resist. Of course, this was partly his predatory makeup, but his heart was also a major part to play in this.
Danny had always been a warm and loving soul and this didn't change, even when he became the vampire he now is.
He sniffed gingerly, waiting for the thirst to come. But it never did. Sure, she smelt good, but Danny had no urge to hurt her whatsoever.
This was strange. Very strange.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:26 pm

A crunch on the damp gravel made her turn.Alice saw,with her bland vision,a man.Her bandaged eyes made her expression hard to read.The man,whom she had identified as a vampire, gave her such a warm smile that her dead heart tingled.Kindness was something Alice was unused to and something she can't remember.Slowly,she stood up.Elegant in every movement.Her dark blue dress ruffled at the movement and Alice gently patted the fabric down neatly.
''Me..? I'm Alice'' her voice was musical,cool like the rain that still fell.Her pink lips twitched into her gentle smile.This vampire posed no threat.She could feel it.And right now,Alice didn't want to be alone.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:39 pm

Danny nodded and held out his hand to be shaken.
"Nice to meet you, Alice. Would you like to walk?"
He smiled again and glanced toward the amaranth between then memorials and statues. This place was dead, but the two people inside were suddenly alive with each other's prescence.
He walked slowly, his hands now in his pockets casually. He looked around him, taking in his surroundings with a kind and soft look.
He was new here, and for once he felt completely at ease. It was Alice. She was doing this. He had a feeling they were going to be good friends.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:49 pm

With her timid smile,Alice shook Danny's hand lightly.She blinked behind the bandages at his offer.
''...Oh I'd love to'' Alice nodded,feeling that uneasy feeling slowly dissapearing.She walked next to Danny,her steps nimble and she even twirled.It's been a while since she had shared a walk with someone.Alice peeked up at her companion,seeing his gentle expression was refreshing somehow.The raindrops tickled at her pale skin but,she didn't mind.''Hmmm...so quiet...'' she hummed.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:53 pm

Danny nodded, smiling despite himself. He glanced sideways at Alice every now and then, his eyes creasing with the fondness he already harboured for her.
He gently took her hand and twirled her, laughing as she nimbly spun and carried on walking beside him.
He laughed again and spun himself, showing off what a fairy elephant he really was. He looked sheepish and returned to her side, before asking:
"So are you new here?"
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:01 pm

''New...?Maybe'' Alice said vaguely ''I'm not sure.Perhaps I've been here before but,due to my amnesia,I can't be sure'' she said simply.This was a story that she's told a lot of people,it was routine now.She stopped and looked up at the sky,feeling water hit her face.Her smile was gone.Those painful emotions she hid away were trying to show themselves.She wouldn't let that happen.So she just smiled again,a bit forced this time.Alice didn't want her new companion to feel pity for her or be troubled because of her missing past.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:08 pm

Danny nodded.
His simple reply showed his relaxed demeanour; if Alice did not want to speak of her emotions then let her not feel forced to do so. He smiled back, gently brushing her cheek before letting his hand fall to his side again.
"I'm new here. Like you though. I don't know why I'm here. Or really how I got here. I was sent here by the Goddess herself. Led by a star. But I can't be sure just what is going on with my life."
Danny shrugged and his eyes creased in a cheeky smile.
"But I am starting to like it here."
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:15 pm

It was rare for people to not ask further questions.Danny was proving to be very understanding.Alice smiled when she felt his hand across her cheek,a warm gesture.
''Destiny huh...?Well,as long as you like it'' Alice nodded and twirled again,Danny twirling her instinctively.After looking up again,Alice smiled.The sky was dimming and so was the rain.She reached behind her head and undid the knot on her bandage,letting it slide off onto her neck.Rather sheepishly,her eyes opened,revealing the ice blue iris that would make even the best cut saphire look like an average rock.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:18 pm

Danny gasped, his hand going to his mouth in a vain attempt to mask his surprise. Her eyes were truly gorgeous.
He leant forward, lost in the blue, one hand snaking around the girl's waist and the other cupping her cheek tentatively.
Danny did not know what he was doing - whether he should be or not was a completely different matter altogether.
All he knew is that he wanted to kiss Alice. Suddenly as anything he wanted to kiss her and hold her...
And he did....
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:24 pm

Her eyes had provoked a lot of strange events but...THIS? Alice was already supprised when Danny held her like that,his touch sent shivers up her spine.The hand that cupped her cheek was so gentle yet strong at the same time.The words got stuck in her throat...Then,her lips were taken by his.Nothing more could be said.Her body just went limp,almost,supported by Danny.The feeling scared her but,she didn't dislike it.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:50 pm

Danny pulled away slightly, just to be sure Alice really wanted this. He looked into her eyes, apology clear in his own emotion-filled sockets.
He stepped away from her, unwrapping his arms from her and rubbing his forehead.
"Jesus, I'm sorry. That wasn't meant to happen. I don't know what came over me. Just your eyes.... Their...."
Danny shook his head, unable to comprehend their unnatural beauty. He wasn't sure of much at this moment, but one this he did know: those eyes would stay with him for the rest of his life.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 2:56 pm

Seeing his distressing face,Alice frowned and was beside him in an instant.
''It's ok....It's ok.My eyes are like that...I'm not upset'' Alice could feel his apologetic feelings.She looked straight into his dark eyes,seeing exactly how much of an affect her ice blue flames were having on him.With a sigh she took one of his hands,holding it gently with her own.''For a half demon like me,who disgusts normal vampires,to feel wanted was a mere dream until now'' she told him ''Thank you''
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:00 pm

He smiled gently and stepped forward, lookind down at Alice with love in his eyes.
"May I kiss you again, princess?"
He smiled and leant down, meeting her lips with his as a slow fire crept up in his chest. He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, his need for her suddenly almost unbearable.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:05 pm

If he had given her enough time to reply,she would have said yes without holding anything back.Pleasant shudders went down her spine,a blush crept up her cheeks.Alice didn't even know she could blush...She leaned into him,kissing him back gently.For a moment,her worries and anything else negative was pushed back to the very edge of her mind as if they were never there.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 11:51 pm

Danny didn't even think about what he was doing. All that mattered were his and Alice's lips, moving together, and his arms around her, holding her in a strong yet gentle embrace. His eyes were closed so he didn't see the lightning, but Danny couldn't help but kiss depper as the thunder rumbled around him and Alice, and the rain drove down suddenly harder.
He gripped her tighter, pressing his body against hers, all thoughts of the Queen and his life slowly disipating into far away worries.
Never mind he was homeless. Never mind he was penniless. Never mind he'd temporarily lost his brother. Danny was here, kissing Alice, her ertanally gorgeous eyes still in his mind.
And in that precious little moment, Danny gave everything he had to her in an instant. Would she accept?
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 10:03 am

Every raindrop hit them both hard but,Alice could just barely feel it.She almost gasped as Danny's emotions seemed to pour into her...Her bottled up telepathic powers were showing her this.It was so beautiful.Passion in its purest form perhaps.She wrapped her arms around him,getting impossibly closer to him.Their lips moving in synchronisation with each other.This was a moment that Alice would never forget.Not like her other memories.Never.She prayed that she will never lose this precious moment.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:23 pm

Danny pulled away gently, reluctantly moving his lips away from Alice's. His breath was ragged, his face serious yet loving.
"Let's go somewhere private...." He whispered, his breath washing over her in a sweet and musky scent. He gazed at her, trailing his fingers down her delicate arm and placing his hand in hers.
He had wanted to take her home, but that was somewhat far away at the moment and he wasn't even sure where home was. He smiled, nervously, and squeezed her hand, wondering if she would take up his shy offer.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 10:43 am

''Sure....'' Alice laughed lightly,her musical voice sounded like a whisper due to the fact that she was still getting her breath back.His silky smooth voice made her feel dreamy...But not as good at his kiss that's for sure.Feeling her hand being squeezed,Alice squeezed his hand back,telling him that she would take his offer.''You have a place in mind..?'' her tone was teasing as she smiled gently.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 11:38 am

Danny shrugged. He would find somewhere. He wandered through the memorials, glancing at names here and there. Some he recognised - some he didn't.
He sighed and glanced sideways at Alice, wondering whether she felt as confused as he did. His heart was pumping and beating fast and hard enough to tear right through his chest, but his head was telling him to wait, and get to know her more.
But she was beautiful, both in mind and body, and Danny felt connected to her straight away.
But if she felt didfferent? Danny would just have to accept her decision and walk away quietly. And though it pained him to think it, he was pretty sure that's what he was going to have to do.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 11:43 am

Alice didn't mind...Wondering around was fun at times but,she halted when her telepathic powers switched on.Danny's thoughts filled her mind for a split second and she looked up at him.''...You don't need to worry...I'm fine like this.With you'' she told him,only truth in her voice ''I'm happy right now...Unless you are not?'' Alice wouldn't want him to feel confused.She seemed to be the cause of it.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 11:46 am

Danny shook his head. He was stranger to telepathy, but she had read his thoughts wrong. He wanted nothing more than to be here, with Alice. But he couldn't help but wonder if he should have kissed her and been so upfront. He'd only just the girl, after all!
He smiled and kissed her nose.
"I want nothing more than to be right here... with you."
He snaked his arm around and her and pulled her close to his body again, his connecting to hers in a ferocious and sudden frenzy.
His hand slid up her top, stroking her smooth bare skin gently and lovingly.
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PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 11:51 am

She sighed happily.Her powers can only read partial thoughts.For once she was glad that she had read it wrong.''I'm glad'' Alice smiled as Danny kissed her nose.She could feel the loving feeling radiate off him as their bodies stood so close to each other.Alice made a bell-like purring sound when she felt his cool hands against her skin.Pure bliss.
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Innocent Sorrow Empty
PostSubject: Re: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 12:05 pm

Danny bit Alice's neck gently, his teeth barely even brushing her soft skin. He smiled, his lips brushing her neck, shoulder and back. His hands roamed over her body as her pulled her impossibly ever closer to his body.
He pulled away, his breating ragged and somewhat sexy, and smiled at Alice, his eyes full of adoration for her.
"I love you," He whispered.
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PostSubject: Innocent Sorrow   Innocent Sorrow EmptyFri Dec 04, 2009 12:11 pm

Her ever still heart jumped hard as Alice's eyes grew wide.To hear those words made unimagibable feelings stir up.The emotions that she thought was lost along with her memories.Her hands reached up,cupping Danny's face,running gently down his strong jawline.It took a few moments for Alice to reply.
''I love you,too...'' she whispered only for him to hear.Tears were building up behind her eyelids,making those gem-like eyes glisten like morning dew.
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